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Sunday Services

Our services last about an hour, are fairly informal and very welcoming. From time to time the type of service may vary.


Every Week

8am  Grundisburgh, Holy Communion (BCP)

First Sunday

9.30am Otley, Family Service or Holy Communion

11am Boulge, Holy Communion (BCP)
Grundisburgh, Family Service

Second Sunday

9.30am Hasketon, Holy Communion

11am Ashbocking, Family Service or Holy Communion
Clopton, Morning Prayer
Grundisburgh, Parish Eucharist with Children’s Clubs

Third Sunday

9.30am Burgh, Holy Communion
Hasketon, Morning Prayer

11am Grundisburgh, Morning Prayer with Children’s Clubs
Swilland, Family Service or Holy Communion

Fourth Sunday

9.30am Clopton, Holy Communion

11am Grundisburgh, Family Communion

3pm Messy Church (Village Hall) (location varies)

Fifth Sunday

11am Benefice Service. (location varies)

Mid Week Services

Our mid week services are often quieter and more reflective times in the busy week.

In the week following the Second Sunday

Mon 9.30am Hasketon, Holy Communion
Wed 9.30am Grundisburgh, Holy Communion followed by Swapshop

In the week following the Third Sunday

Thu 9.30am Otley, Holy Communion, followed by Coffee morning

In the week following the Fourth Sunday

Mon 11.30am Hasketon, Holy Communion, followed by community lunch

For Children

For Children we offer Discovery Club in Grundisburgh during the main morning service and Messy Church once a month.

In 2019 we will have two groups that will meet during the main Sunday service in Grundisburgh. (see over). Messy Church will usually meet on the fourth Sunday.

Mid week:
1st Tues, 9am , Baby Café —Grundisburgh
2nd & 4th Thurs, 2.30 Tiddlywinks— Grundisburgh

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