For anyone interested, St Mary's Church in Woodbridge have extended a warm invitation to others in the deanery to join them for any or all of their evening lent talks:
TUESDAYS IN LENT – starting at 7.30 pm each week (with refreshments available from 7pm) in St Mary’s House, ending at 8.30pm with (optional) Compline.
The series is called “My Chaplaincy Life – Tell it straight. Tell it slant.”
March 8th Licensed Evangelist, Graham Miles, Rural & Agricultural Chaplain for Suffolk
March 15th Dr Josh Hunt, Lay Chaplain to Felixstowe School
March 22nd Revd. Captain Adéle Reese, Chaplain at Wattisham Flying Station, Ipswich
March 29th Catherine Todd, Chaplaincy Prison Advisor and Quaker Faith Advisor
April 5th Revd. Linda Peal, Head of Chaplaincy, E.Suffolk & N.Essex NHS Foundation Trust.