This week's readings can be found here John 3.1-17
Prize offered for the best metaphor of the Trinity
Yes, we, or rather I, am running a prize competition this week. The prize (as yet unspecified) will be awarded to what I (in my complete discretion) judge to be the best metaphor for the Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
You will find various metaphors for each person of God in the Bible - rock, castle, judge, creator (Father); high priest, shepherd, lamb, healer (Son); fire, wind, water, breath (Spirit), to name but a few. Both Old and New Testaments contain teaching about the work each of them does, but you will find very little about the Trinity we will be celebrating this Sunday.
Whatever metaphor you come up with, whether Rublev's famous icon, three faces on one head, three heads on one body, a tripod, a triangle, or the living combination of earth, water and sun, for me the concept of the Trinity confirms that God is love. Love cannot exist except in relationships and God wants all of creation to be part of the perfect relationship of Father, Son and Spirit.
Last Sunday Katrina spoke in Clopton of Christians in Carlford being Courageous Communicators of God's love to our Communities. For a metaphor of what we might be, she suggested a benign pandemic. I hope that gets you thinking.
My competition closes on 4th June and the winner will be announced in Mini-Grapevine on 11th June. Please email your entries (as many as you wish) to
James Hall
The Gifts of the Three
Originally from the Carmina Gadelica I, 75
Spirit, give me of Thine abundance, Father give me of Thy wisdom, Son, give me in my need, Jesus beneath the shelter of Thy shield.
I lie down tonight, With the Triune of my strength, With the Father, with Jesus, With the Spirit of might.
To Pray for
The people living in coastal India following a cyclone hitting their shores amid their Covid crisis.
For our police forces across the country who have worked very hard during the pandemic trying to keep the public safe and under control - no easy task!
The vaccination programme and all of its volunteers, as it continues to deliver to a large number of us nationwide.