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Writer's pictureMark Cresswell

Lockdown - A new phase in our journey

The Prime Minsters announcement last night of further restrictions needed to control the current pandemic, and in particular the need to suspend church services from next weekend, Remembrance Sunday, has left a number of us feeling uncertain, anxious and worried about the future. At yet one of the readings set for this morning, All Saints, reminds us that God is at work transforming our world:

For I am about to create new heavens

   and a new earth;

the former things shall not be remembered

   or come to mind.

But be glad and rejoice for ever

   in what I am creating;” Isaiah 65.17 & 18

On this All Saints Sunday we are particularly reminded that we are not alone in this, God is working in this world and we are joined by the whole company of Saints.

While it seems pretty clear services for next weekend, and the rest of the month, are suspended we will review our plans when further guidenace is known on Monday or Tuesday and will publish that in next Friday’s Mini Grapevine. We will of course continue our online services.

Please do stay in touch with email or comments on Facebook and with all the company of the saints we can take heart in Gods promises.


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