"Father we Praise Thee, Now the Night is Over"
Reading & Collect
This week's readings can be found here for this Sunday, Trinity Sunday are John 16.12-15
Our weekly reflection will be part of our Online Service on our Facebook Page on Sunday
A Special Prayer for the Crisis in Ukraine
God's Love for Us
Juliana of Norwich (1342–1416)
The love of God most High for our soul is so wonderful that it surpasses all knowledge. No created being can fully know the greatness, the sweetness, the tenderness, of the love that our Maker has for us. By his Grace and help therefore let us in spirit stand in awe and gaze, eternally marvelling at the supreme, surpassing, single-minded, incalculable love that God, Who is all goodness, has for us.
Road of my Desire
O Thou who dost direct my feet To right or left where pathways part, Wilt Thou not, faithful Paraclete Direct the journeying of my heart?
Into the love of God, I pray, Deeper and deeper let me press, Exploring all along the way Its secret strength and tenderness.
Into the steadfastness of one Who patiently endured the cross, Of Him who, though He were a Son, Came to His crown through bitter loss.
This is the road of my desire – Learning to love as God loves me, Ready to pass through flood or fire With Christ’s unwearying constancy.
By Frank Houghton (1894-1972)
To Pray for
Peace among all nations - and an end to the devestating war between the Ukraine and Russia
The famliies and victims involved in the incidient in Berlin this week.
Those in crisis worldwide