"Take My Life and Let It Be"
Reading & Collect
This week's readings can be found here for this Sunday, the fifth after Trinity are Luke 10.38-end
Our weekly reflection will be part of our Online Service on our Facebook Page on Sunday
A Special Prayer for the Crisis in Ukraine
You Wait For Us
By Nigel Beeton
You wait for us until we are open to You. We wait for Your word to make us receptive. Attune us to Your voice, to Your silence. Speak and bring Your son to us – Jesus, the word of Your peace.
Your word is near, O Lord our God, Your grace is near. Come to us then, with mildness and power. Do not let us be deaf to You, but make us receptive and open To Jesus Christ Your Son, who will come to look for us and save us Today and every day, for ever and ever.
Dear Creator God
By Daphne Kitching
We thank you for Your wonderful creation. Your Word tells us that in the beginning You worked and then You rested when Your work was done. You didn’t rest because You were tired, but because You saw that Your completed work was good. So, the seventh day became a time of celebration and blessing.
Help us, in these days of non-stop, sometimes intrusive means of communication, to follow Your pattern – to work and then to rest; to be restored and blessed by You. Help us to keep one day – Jesus’ Resurrection Day – special for You.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
To Pray for
Peace among all nations - and an end to the devestating war between the Ukraine and Russia which continues
Families fleeing both Portugal from fires and Colombia following the landslide
Sharing and kindness to those less fortunate
All NHS staff who are again put under immense pressure