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Writer's pictureMark Cresswell

Fred & Jane Woods

Some of you will be aware that over the past year, Fred and Jane Woods have been coming to terms with and adjusting to Fred’s diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease. The nature of this illness, means that the support Fred has needed has increased over time, and together they have had to adapt their routines to the many challenges regarding everyday living.

I know Fred and Jane’s ministry over the years, has been greatly appreciated across the benefice. In the past 18 months their online services and pastoral phone calls have encouraged and sustained many of you through the trials of the pandemic. However, the time has now come for Fred and Jane to step back from this public ministry to focus on each other and look after themselves.

I know some of you will want to offer support, and phone calls, emails and post would all be welcome. Visits would also be appreciated, but please make arrangements in advance rather than arrive unannounced to avoid disappointment.

We will be keeping Fred and Jane in our thoughts and prayers and I am sure you all join me in sending our love and gratitude.


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