"Holy Spirit, Light Divine"
Reading & Collect
This week's readings can be found here for this Sunday, Pentecost are John 14.8-17 [25-27]
Our weekly reflection will be part of our Online Service on our Facebook Page on Sunday
A Special Prayer for the Crisis in Ukraine
A Prayer for Pentecost (2006) Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life: At the beginning of time you moved over the face of the waters; you breathe into every living being, the breath of life. Come, Creator Spirit, and renew the whole creation. Holy Spirit, voice of the prophets: You enflame men and women with a passion for your truth, and through them call your people to the ways of justice and compassion. Come, Spirit of Righteousness, and burn in our hearts. Holy Spirit, Spirit of Jesus: By your power Jesus came to bring good news to the poor and release to those held captive. Come, Liberating Spirit, and free us from the powers of sin and death. Holy Spirit, Advocate, Teacher: You speak to us of our Lord, and show us the depth of his love. Come, Spirit of Truth, abide in us and lead us in the way of Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit, wind and flame: You filled disciples with joy and courage, empowering them to preach your word and to share your good news. Come, Spirit of Power, make us bold witnesses of your redeeming love. Holy Spirit, Spirit of Peace: You break down barriers of language, race, and culture, and heal the divisions that separate us. Come, Reconciling Spirit, and unite us all in the love of Christ. Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life: At the close of the age all creation will be renewed to sing your praises. Come, Creator Spirit, and make us new creations in Jesus Christ.
Your Servant Elizabeth

Gracious God, we give You thanks for the reign of Your servant Elizabeth our Queen, and for the example of loving and faithful service which she has shown among us. Help us to follow her example of dedication and to commit our lives to You and to one another, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O Lord, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, we give You thanks for Your servant Elizabeth our Queen. May she ever be provided with all she may need for her ministry among us, strengthened to meet every demand which her office may make, and in all things nourished by Your word and example, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit live and reign, world without end. Amen.
To Pray for
Peace among all nations - and an end to the devestating war between the Ukraine and Russia
Our Queen as she celebrates her Platinum Jubilee
Power and Compassion
Forgiveness and Peace
"On Pentecost They Gathered"